Saturday, November 25, 2006

=====----TO BUy or not..

What you ask? hmm..

Second cars are not good.. Who knows what happen to them..
YEa.. they may cost less. . but that's the point,
they cozt less.

And also no need to burn a hole in the wallet
with loans that take forever.. Second hand cars..
with a good condition..

can be just as good as a first hand..
You can change everything on the car
for less than half of the cost of a new car..

Benjamin the great investor once said..
"to get wealthy, you need to buy an apple
for 1 cents and sell it for 2 cents.. and buy
two apples and it will one day become..
lots.. "

This is what many couple face.. they buy all
the most expensive stuff.. and so later
owe lots of money and have to worry alot
about paying back. the cash..


I was disturbing me frend
Check out..

I went to eat fast food and ordered a drink.. but that
was normal.. what was not normal was that..
how come a regular pepsi cost 2.10 n if i ordered
large it cost 2.30.. 20 cents different?

Tempting consumers to drink large, i see..

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